Making Positive Impacts

At St. Jacob's Kimmerlings Church, we are deeply committed to making a positive impact both in our local community and around the world. Through a wide range of ministries and missions, we wholeheartedly embrace our mission to spread love, compassion, and faith. These initiatives lie at the core of our church's identity and purpose, and they reflect our dedication to being a source of hope, healing, and transformation for all.

Small Groups

Nurturing Faith, Building Connections

Our small groups offer a nurturing environment for you to deepen your faith, connect with fellow believers, and grow in your understanding of God's Word. Whether you seek in-depth Bible study, meaningful discussions, or simply a place to share your journey, our small groups provide a welcoming community. Together, we explore the richness of our faith and strengthen the bonds that unite us in Christ's love.



Making a Difference, One Act of Love at a Time

We actively support a diverse array of missions, working tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of others. From empowering children through education to offering support to those battling addiction, our church is on the front lines of positive change. We believe that by joining together, we become a beacon of hope, a source of healing, and a catalyst for transformation. Join us in these life-changing missions and discover the profound joy that comes from extending a helping hand and sharing the boundless love of Christ with the world.